Transaction security and integrity is the absolute foundation in the world of diamonds.

Every trusted seller takes care not only about the highest quality of the offered stones but also ensuring that the clients are absolutely convinced that a given investment is the best choice. For the sake of security and convenience of the purchasers, 99% of diamonds offered by MART DIAMONDS are secured by means of a laser inscription with a certificate number, placed on the girdle. Find out about the things you must know about the best protection of stone identification offered by the industry.


Under the magnifying glass

The glamour and beauty of diamonds should never obscure cool calculation and a rational approach to the investment. The expenditure is often an investment for generations, therefore you must be absolutely certain that the certificate and purchased diamond are in unity. This is why companies around the world make every effort to make the identification of stones as simple as possible and understandable by all consumers. If our experience is not very extensive, the comparison of a diamond with the description in the certificate, or confirmation of its parameters on the basis of a map of the stone may be disconcerting. A loupe is enough to verify the consistency of the certificate number and the inscription.

How is this done?

The service of laser inscription on a diamond is gradually becoming a standard, and all leading gemmological laboratories offer it. In most cases, the marking of a stone is ordered at the time of its certification. An inscription is usually comprised of the laboratory’s logo and a unique certificate number for the diamond. The laser marking is made on a girdle, that is the band dividing the crown above from the pavilion below.
Despite the very advanced technology, the process of marking is very simple and quick. The intended marking is inscribed on a diamond by means of a tiny laser beam. Depending on the laboratory, the laser marking of stones has many names—it is Laser Inscription in GIA and Lasescribe in IGI. We may also come upon the name Photoscribe Laser.

Numer certyfikatu diamentu nadany przez GIA

Laser and a diamond

Laser marking is a completely safe and non-invasive process for the stone. The use of a cold laser eliminates the possibility of damaging a diamond because the length of the waves in the laser beam guarantees that they do not penetrate inside the stone. Contrary to standard lasers used for industrial purposes, cold lasers cause no melting or cuts in the crystal. The use of any other beam could damage the diamond, not only on the outside but also inside. Professional laser inscription also has no impact on carat weight, clarity or colour. All the parameters assessed by the laboratory remain unchanged after the marking is inscribed.

The key features of the laser identification system are:

  • Safety — the inscription does not damage the stone and has no impact on its colour, clarity or weight
  • Easy to read — the inscription is visible under 10x magnification and can be seen using a loupe
  • Reliability — information on an inscription is always included in the certificate issued by the gemmological laboratory (unless the stone is marked later than at the time during which its documentation is issued)
  • Durability — the inscription is permanent—its removal would involve recutting, and thereby a weight loss
Inskrypcja na rondyście diamentu

A laser inscription on the girdle is the best identification protection of diamonds, and the possibility to verify and check the conformity of a given stone with its certificate by means of a magnifying glass ensures the buyer’s true convenience and peace of mind. Laser stone marking is a standard at MART DIAMONDS. Virtually all our diamonds have an inscription made by the GIA institution and the corresponding certificate. Our new certipacks, which provide excellent protection of the diamonds, complement our guarantee of quality.

To satisfy our special clients, we also apply custom inscriptions on the purchased diamonds. Contact us if you wish to offer a special gift to someone. Nothing is impossible for us.